Sunday, November 10, 2013

Farming Burn Notice, revisited.

I keep thinking I'm over my separation from the old farm, but the conspicuous silence this weekend is getting to me. I had planned to help with a project this weekend, but apparently nobody else got the memo.

No hard feelings, but I would like to be kept in the loop.

If you know me, I am a big fan of Burn Notice. You might know how frustrated Michael is in the beginning when nobody will talk to him after he's burned. That's how I feel right now. Maybe I need to have a Lithuanian operative send them a fruit basket in order to foster talks.

I spent the day inventorying seeds at another farm. Spring will come too soon and I want to be on top of this in case this is the opportunity I've been looking for. Spreadsheets cross my eyes, but I have to have everything listed and in order to be able to plan from a distance. No point in commuting when there's no gas money in my future.

One foot in front of the other.

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